Friday, April 20, 2007

Security/Real Life/Hidden costs

I guess I've almost calmed down about security issues but I think that most people are blind to the implications of they way they do things. Security is one thing. The schools have put in measures almost by reflex because everyone is doing something similar. They don't seem to have thought through the implications of what this means for the community as a whole. The kids are locked up but the community that supports the school and the kids are locked OUT and in many ways alienated from the whole process. This is fine, I guess, until the school taxes go up and lots of people scream. Usually the kids parents are supporters of the school costs but these measures are eroding the support of even those adults by excluding them too. It's all subtle but the school board will be amazed one day when the populace refuses to vote more money.

Girl Scouts has a similar thing going. The council doesn't like to see cash balances carried over from year to year in troop bank accounts. This is realistic, They want the money spent on the girls who worked for it as most of the money in those accounts are proceeds from fund raisers. There is no guarantee that the girls will stay from year to year so most of the money ought to be spent in the year it was earned. One thing that Council suggests, almost reccommends, is that the money in the troop accounts be used to re register the girls for the next year of scouting. Now this is quite convenient. The bulk of the funds come into the accounts about the time that meetings are winding down for the year and registrations are due. It can be a lot easier to just write one check from the tropp account rather than collect checks from each family. On the other hand, when the whole registration process is so removed from the parents they do not get an opportunity to "buy in" and demonstrate their support for the troop. I prefer to collect the annual registration fees from the parents and let the troop funds pay for more of the trips and things that dues would cover. This way I spend the money on the girls but the parents have an annual opportunity to be included in an important way. They like not needing to supply more money for troop dues.

As you might guess, its a heavy Girl scout time. Service unit registrations are on my table to be given out next Monday. With any luck I'll get most of them back by the end of June but we know that the rest will trickle in all year. My girls are into lots of trips and prigrams at the moment. Teddy Bear Tea with the Manners try-it was yesterdays event. Next week we team up with a Daisy troop to do bridgeing activities. The My Body try-it is the focus. Then a last Cookie booth sale at Earth Day Celebrations. Keeping track is tough.

Aikido is undergoing schedule changes. The morning attendees have dwindled to the point that the classes are going on hiatus. I still have an early morning Tai chi class on Tuesday but will need to find some other excuse to get up early on another day. There is talk of adding a class or 2 to the evening schedule. So I may not lose out on total hours per week.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Terror at home- time to blog again

I woke up this morning to find out what most of the news-following world knew yesterday. Some cretin walked onto a college campus and shot lots of people, more than 30! It's hard to believe that such things happen and I am very sorry for all the people who died or were injured. I'm sorry for their parent, friends and collegues too.

On the other hand I am afraid that this incident, terrible as it is, will be an excuse for further eroding the day to day trust among people.

Last week I was required not only to sign in with full personal contact information but also to leave my drivers liscence with the guard. Was I spending hours in a high security facility maybe a jail or courthouse or legislative building? Was I visiting at some sensitive commercial site? Maybe a R&D building for a new energy system? No not one of these. Wait for it, I was at a High school to collect my 17 year old neice from the nurses office. The office door was 20 feet from the guard station and in full view of the guard. I was in the building for less time than it took for the check in proceedure yet was I allowed to step down to the nurses office? NO In the town I grew up in, in the school building I pay heavy taxes for, I was practically phisically prevented from walking down the hall to get my neice without producing all the formal nicities.

When and where has any sort of public danger come from a middle age female who said they were picking a kid up from school? What kind of risks is the school running by letting me walk down the hall to get her? If I had run off and disappeared around the corner then maybe they might have been justified in investigating waht I was doing but no, they assume the worst.

This security issue has gone over the top. There might be some justification for requiring some people to take off their shoes at airport check in security but what possible justification is there for making everyone? My daughter nearly missed a plane recently partially because she was required to remove the shoes of the two toddlers that she was travelling with! That is just overkill. For years El Al, the Isralei Airline, has had real security at their check-in areas. It must work, no one has blown up or hijacked any of their planes but they don't feel the need to make toddlers take their shoes off to do it. Why can't the TSA be as clever?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Brief note

It's been a good month + since my last post and I'm sorry if anyone was waiting. lol

Went on a ski vacation. Colorado is beautiful but much too high above sea level for my comfort. A place for vacations that are long enough to adapt to the conditions. Came home to the nice soupy salty air of home and felt much better.

Spent Feb in nice routine persuits. Brownies, Aikido, Taichi. Family stuff.

Went to Vermont last weekend and skiied at Okemo successfully. Also saw a production of Gilbert & Sullivans Ruddigore. Very funny.

Til next time, keep comfortable.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Rocky Water Images

More on the actual trip later.
Glad to be back

Images of Water in the Rocky Mountains

It seems ironic to me that my first impression of the Rocky Mountains was how much like a storm they looked. I had to reset my parameters. This seeming bank of storm clouds was really a major mountain range. I was at the Denver airport then and as we approached the mountains they looked less like clouds and more substantial. Once we were in the mountains though the water images returned. The mountains reminded me so much of giant waves. Once on the ski slopes the water imagery continued. Of course snow, the necessary condition for skiing along with slope, is frozen water. But did you realize that the undulations of the ski runs resemble waves themselves? Of course instead of you sitting stillish and seeing the waves come to you, on a ski slope you are moving along the fairly stationary wave s of snow. You ski along a steep slope as if you were sliding down a curling wave then turn and ski/slide the next one. Even my ski instructor continued the theme. She was attempting to get me to accomplish parallel turns. In the course of this she said that she thinks of the graceful turns that slide across and down the trail, looping slightly upward at each extreme as a sort of wave going from side to side of the slope making a wide loopy s curve down the mountain. Watery what?

Then there is the way everyone pushes drinking water. At this altitude, about 10,000 ft dehydration is a major issue and there is a theory that drinking lots of water will hasten your adjustment to high altitude as well as ward off the dreaded dehydration. Everywhere you stop there is water pressed on you. You float through a week here. The beer is good too although that does not help the dehydration problem it may help the altitude one. Or encourage you to worry less about it. At least the tap water is tasty. Could be Poland Spring.

On a more nature walk side of things, there are quite a few animals around. Snow shoe rabbit tracks are all over. There is a sort of gray bird that hangs out looking for food and I saw a very panicked little black squirrel caught out on a busy ski trail. It was doing the start stop dash thing trying to avoid skis and boards who were also jinking around each other trying not to run over the squirrel. All made it safely past the danger. The snowshoe trail took us past a fox den and driving in the mountains you can see hundreds of elk prints. Supposedly you can see wild mountain goats too ut I have not personally seen any so far.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Packing day

mood- anticipatory
weight- 187

Once I get hold of the final bits & pieces, more ski socks, finish the laundry etc. I get to pack for a week of skiing and assorted similar winter sports. Fun.

There's nothing like a vacation to create a deadline to get all sorts of things done and off your desk. I'm pretty much all up to date with my various responsibilites. Nice feeling. Know it won't last long.

Will try to post from CO but can't promise much as I don't know what the facilities will be like, or my time, or my comunicating mood. Hope you have a good week.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Where I left off

Picking up where I left things last Thursday. There's been good and bad.

GOOD - Brownies enjoyed playing with the water music glasses. Didn't even make much mess. For those unfamilar with the concept here's a description. Take a dozen tall matching water glasses. Leave one empty. Fill each of the others with progressive quantities of water. ie 1 oz in glass 2, 2 oz in glass 3, 3 oz in glass 4 etc untill you run out of glasses or room in the glasses. As many tall drinking glasses hold about 12 oz of liquid a dozen glasses gives you a reasonable range. Once the water is in the glasses you sound them by tapping them on the side with some object like a pencil. They will each sound different and if you have arranged them from most filled to least filled you get a sort of musical scale. Sounds a bit like windchimes or a xylephone. As I said the Brownies enjoyed them. Set went home with 2 sisters will switch people this week.

BAD - Replaced the zipper on the ski jacket then found that it still did not fit. This meant a trip to get a new one. Ended up with a men's jacket. GRRRRR. The women's jackets that fit were only for looks, no technical features backed zips etc. Men with 48" hips it seems are expected to ski and such while women of the same size are sidlined by lack of equipment. I know I just GOT equipment but the men's sizing is still too long in the arms and big in the shoulders. It will work but it's still a patch.

This leads to the solution. I've got no contorl over who manufactures what but I have some control over the dimensions of my hips. I'm starting the reversal by drinking at least 48 oz of water daily and setting the timer to move around at least every 30 min during the day. This should allow me to metabolize my food intake more effeciently and to keep the metabolisim working through the day. Mind you I'm still training 6/7 days a week in either Aikido of TaiChi but that is activity that my system is all too accustomed to.

Thurs I go on vacation to a CO ski resort. I'll get a mixture of activities that's different but I'll keep up the water and moving. When I come back I'm thinking of adding green tea extract to my daily intake.

Don't know what will happen to blogging on vacation. It will depend on internet access as well as time & motivation. I will be looking for all of these.

Books: Finished "Just One More Day" sweet, a little sappy but wirth the time. Reminded me a lot of Thornton Wilders "Our Town" similar message. Appreciate your ordinary days. They are limited. Started "Conversations with God" very wierd so far. Set up as if there were an actual conversation going on. A very loopy conversation at that. We'll see how it goes. May get listed as just one of those odd books that you read. Need to get something lite for vacation reading and the plane.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Already

mood- ok
weight- 187

I can hardly believe that 4 days have passed since I last blogged. Time vanishes easily I guess.

So what have I done in four days?
- 3 Aikido classes
- 1 Tai Chi class
- finished a knitted neck cozy made from bamboo yarn. It's amazingly nice stuff and shines almost like silk.
- finished, finally, Caroline Myss's book Invisible Acts of Power. Dense info. took months to read at bedtime.
- finished Michael Crichton's book Next. Interesting mix of fact and speculative fiction about genetic manipulation. Not as extreme as Margaret ATwood's Oryx & Crake on the same subject.
- started Michel Bloom's One More Day. Hes sappy but surprisly compelling.
- bought a new computer game and played it far too much. It's from Cyprus no less!
- re registerd for the virtual kwoon now that it has recoverd from being hacked.

What do I need to do?

- prep for todays Brownie meeting. I've got 13 identical glasses that will get filled with varying amounts of water to play a tune by striking the glasses. Need to pre set water levels and mark them so we can refill to the correct levels this afternoon. then the girls can play with the concept with less mess and fuss.

- sew a zipper back into my ski jacket so I can use it next week going to CO to ski.

That's all for now

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Changes Add up- to what

mood- reflective
wieght- 189

It dawned on me this afternoon that a there's a shift going on around me. 2 friends have just retired. One is starting a new business that she has been looking forward to for years. The other was downsized from the large company she had worked for a very long time. She has a good severance package and ideas about where to go from here but it's still uncharted territory. More uncharted land stands in front of the 2 guy aquaintnces who I've heard have recently been informed by their wives that the marriage is over. Yet another new world is the one my mother is in as a widow. She has always lived with someone and has had to make all sorts of adjustments to being on her own. My friend whose live in boyfriend died suddenly a few months ago is more used to being on her own but it's still a shock. My own life is pretty stable but still the changes creep around the edge. Grandchildren change things even when they're not actually underfoot. Perspective changes. I'm not sure where this is going but I think I'm more on the lookout for new things and different possibilities.

On the more practical side. Had a very teachy Aikido class yesterday morning. I was the only student not wearing a white belt so was the demonstration uki for the whole class. That takes more falls than average. Also means the class was focused on basics. I appreciate that as basics can't be revisited enough. If they are flawless then so is everything else. The fancy extras only work to the extent that the underlying form is correct. It takes a few years of practice though to appreciate that.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Already

mood- ok
weight - 189

Some how I missed posting at all yesterday.

Got up early and made it to the 6am Aikido class. Still D teaching, Seems K is less than thrilled at getting up so early on the day off. That's the way it goes. Suddenly B who usually teaches on Wed & Fri is talking about Mon as well.

Anyway I went and was good for most of the class but got an attack of dizzyness about 15 min before the end. Hope this goes away soon.

Made lots of bookings for activities while we are on vacation at the end of the month. Will play lots in the snow for a week.

Brownies had a good time playing store. They are practicing booth sales and making change and figuring out what can be afforded and learning to complete a sale and cooperate with each other etc. They even had fun.

It's been a sort of dramatic week for each of my kids. At least one thing per went wrong and needed prompt fixing. All got tended to but it's unusual for all three to have dramas simultaneously.

Til next time

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dizzy Day

moody- ok now
wieght- 190

Woke up this morning Dizzy. and a bit nausous. Seems to be a side effect of a week of Cipro. Declined to tke the last dose this morning and feel much better now in the afternoon.

I suppose they mean what they say with those little yellow stickers on the pill bottle. Who would guess. Spent the morning reading the latest in brain candy books. Crighton's, Next. Fast moving. Thought provoking. Little on the loose side in holding a plot together. Much more of a quilt that a novel but OK for all that. Worth the few hours it takes to read.

Would like to check out the new iphone. looks snazzy. would need to be able to read books on it as well as listen if it were to have any chance of replacing the palm I currently use. I read faster than I listen.

At least the weight is down a little

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Early Morning Happens

Mood- slightly bored
Weight- nt checked today

It was actually cold as well as dark this morning going out to 6am Tai Chi class. Was good to go. L is back from a warm vacation so the team teaching is finished for now.

Tried doing the 16 posture form to the right instead of the usual left. Felt distincly odd, literally off footed.

Tonight is a quiet evening at home. Need to pick a new knitting project. Have several small ones to choose from. Havn't recovered from the silk stockings yet.

Finished lots of things today. Tao of Pooh, Babylon Baby both books and 4 pogo badges. Guess you could say that the business phones were quiet.

Monday, January 08, 2007

?Ski weekend

mood- ready to go
weight- yikes 192

We really tried. We brought the skis and checked the websites. Fri night there seemed to be just enough snow in northern VT to ski but by Sunday morning it had gone away. Sat was just a beautiful Spring day. Sunshine, mud, mild breezes. Just not what you expect for Early January in VT.

Sat. we met with our co-housing partners. Walked all over the land and showed some prospective partners around. It was a great day for it. The engineer had mostly good reports about soil types etc. It looks like some of us may be building houses in 2008. Sat night we went out to dinner with friends and Sun we were supposed to ski.

no snow - no ski

So we came home Sunday via the woodwork shop to get some new lathe gadgets and more exotic wood.

Had a good dinner with J who had bought & marinated a great steak. Finished both the cactus puzzle (me) and the glow in the dark Penguiun puzzle (J) (she hated the cactus one and got another)

So today is another ordinary work day.

Note about weight. I'm not obsessing or anything but trying to keep track to get/keep it under control. All the car riding this weekend seems to have been worse for the weight that the whole weeks of Holidays. Will doo something about it. More action/ less intake.

Til the next time

Friday, January 05, 2007


Mood- Ok hungry Weight 189

Now I've eaten breakfast so I'm not so hungry but still in a writing humor.

FWIW the Brownies got to role play friendly neighbors and pairs of girls selling cookies. They seemed to have fun with it. They may even have learned something. We played a game where each girl made a suggestion about what to do with the $ we will get from cookie sales. They had a wide variety of ideas but nothing too extravagant. I foresee a few bowling and movie trips in our troop future.

Got a good response to the Sunday knitting thing. I may be one of the few experienced knitters responding or at least responding early. Better brush up on my knitting explaining.

May not post this weekend. Will be away from home & computer.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Persistance Pays

Mood- pleasantly achy
Weight- not measured this AM

Managed to get an early moning Aikido class after all today. At last nights class I asked if another person might be willing to instruct and one of the 1st kyu students was. He likes to teach and dosen't have a regular venue. He also has no problem with 6am starts. So it was a good class. Spent plenty of time on freestyle with several attackers. I seem to be a 'natural' as far as they remember as they don't really realize that I've done lots of freestyle jiujitsu. I learned long ago how to keep calm, slow down and just keep moving. I don't mind their being impressed.

Now about the Brownies. Need to get going on what to do with them this afternoon. I think one of the cookies/math/money try-its. It's that time of year and they need to figure out what they want to do with the proceeds.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


1) I enjoy reading my daughter's blog even when she is in talking range.
2) all 2006 I managed to keep up a paper journal with nearly daily entries.
3) THIS year, 2007, I'll see if I can do similar online.

2007 has already had a few changes

Thursday am Aikido class is cancelled- teacher is bringing a daughter back to college!. That will put me in defecit for aikido hours for the month/year from the start. Oh well. will go tonight anyway.

There's a knitting group starting at the SYC. Could be fun. Sun afternoons are a good time for chit chat and knitting. Need to be wary of the alcohol levels though. That could make a hash out of a complicated pattern.

Girl Scout business is perking. More registrations, more waiting list versions. More decisions about what to do tomorrow with the girls.

Tai Chi was amusing yesterday at 6am. Team teaching - 2 senior sutdents in charge.

Until later