Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Already

mood- ok
weight - 189

Some how I missed posting at all yesterday.

Got up early and made it to the 6am Aikido class. Still D teaching, Seems K is less than thrilled at getting up so early on the day off. That's the way it goes. Suddenly B who usually teaches on Wed & Fri is talking about Mon as well.

Anyway I went and was good for most of the class but got an attack of dizzyness about 15 min before the end. Hope this goes away soon.

Made lots of bookings for activities while we are on vacation at the end of the month. Will play lots in the snow for a week.

Brownies had a good time playing store. They are practicing booth sales and making change and figuring out what can be afforded and learning to complete a sale and cooperate with each other etc. They even had fun.

It's been a sort of dramatic week for each of my kids. At least one thing per went wrong and needed prompt fixing. All got tended to but it's unusual for all three to have dramas simultaneously.

Til next time

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