Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dizzy Day

moody- ok now
wieght- 190

Woke up this morning Dizzy. and a bit nausous. Seems to be a side effect of a week of Cipro. Declined to tke the last dose this morning and feel much better now in the afternoon.

I suppose they mean what they say with those little yellow stickers on the pill bottle. Who would guess. Spent the morning reading the latest in brain candy books. Crighton's, Next. Fast moving. Thought provoking. Little on the loose side in holding a plot together. Much more of a quilt that a novel but OK for all that. Worth the few hours it takes to read.

Would like to check out the new iphone. looks snazzy. would need to be able to read books on it as well as listen if it were to have any chance of replacing the palm I currently use. I read faster than I listen.

At least the weight is down a little

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